Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thrifty Tuesday: When and Where to Save

When and Where to Save

I have a confession:  I am a brand snob.  I invest in myself and practice the theory that you should buy the highest quality items that you can realistically afford.  I firmly believe that you pay for what you get.  If the cost of an item is suspiciously low, it’s probably poor quality.  Hold out.  The only problem: spending this way all the time could drive you to the poorhouse.  In this economy, having an exclusively designer wardrobe is unrealistic.  Luckily, there are a few corners you can cut while still keeping your image intact.  

5 Products to Buy Cheap

1.  Basic Tees and Tanks – It happens every summer… Once the thermometer hits 80, I break out my statement shorts.  Who could resist when pictures of this preppy summer staple are plastered all over the J.Crew, Lilly Pulitzer, and Tory Burch web sites?  These shorts are almost always shown with a simple top, such as a crew neck tee, basic button up, or casual tank.  Designers will be more than happy to sell you the entire outfit, but is a tee shirt really worth the $50 price tag?  Probably not.  The thin cotton jersey used to make tee shirts tends to show wear quickly, especially during summer months when you’re more likely to perspire.  It isn’t worth making the investment because you’ll probably have to replace this item of clothing every year or so anyhow. Luckily, cheap tanks and tees are easy to find.  American Apparel has a large variety of colors and necklines for under $20.

2.  Mascara – I cannot stress this enough, unless you are America’s hardest working eyeglass model, buying expensive mascara does not make sense.   You are throwing your money away, quite literally.  The reason?  Mascara has an extremely short shelf life.  Old make-up is an ideal breeding ground for nasty bacteria.  You need to be especially careful with anything that is worn close to your eye.  Mascara should be replaced about every three months or so.  However, most tubes contain enough product to last twice as long as that.  As a result, you end up throwing half of it away.  Dior and Lancome mascara may be super luxurious, but at $25 a pop, you could be throwing away roughly $75 a year.  The good news?  One of the highest rated mascaras retails for about $7.  The classic Maybelline Great Lash Mascara can be found at almost every corner drug store.  PS… it comes in a super cute pink and green tube – a preppy girl’s dream!

3.  Underpants – Please note that I did not say “lingerie” or “foundation garments.”  Both of these are very different than underpants.  Lingerie is meant to make you feel pretty.  Foundation garments like Spanx or a good fitting bra are an essential part of looking your best in your clothes.  Invest in these; they are worth the splurge.  Underpants, on the other hand, serve an entirely different purpose.  They are not silky or sexy, nor do they conceal more secrets than J. Edgar Hoover’s personal secretary.  They probably don’t come in cute prints or fun colors, but they are extremely necessary.  You reach for them at least three days out of the month when your, ahem, friend, comes to visit.  They might not be glamorous, but when you’re curled up on the couch with a pint of Haagen Dazs, they’ve got your butt covered.  That being said, there is absolutely no reason you should bust your budget on your not-so-delicate delicates.  I’m partial to Gillian & OMalley’s Modal Bikini available at Target.com.  It’s barely there fabric is so light weight that you may forget that you are wearing a full coverage panty.  Plus, at $9.99 for a 3-Pack, you won’t be breaking the bank.

4.  Costume Jewelry – Most of the time, I wear very classic jewelry.  I can’t help it.  A pearl necklace and Tiffany earrings go with almost everything.  However, every once and awhile, I feel the need to switch it up a bit.  Costume jewelry is the perfect way to add a bit of whimsy to an outfit.  Many designers offer a few jewelry selections that coordinate with their collection.  If the piece is fabulous and will work with the majority of your wardrobe, it might be worth the designer price tag, but if you’re just after a cute cocktail ring or a fun layered necklace, lookalikes can be found at stores like Forever 21 or H&M for a fraction of the price.   

5.  Sunglasses – As a Florida girl, I am a big fan of designer sunglasses.  I believe everyone should have a pair or two.   That being said, there are certain places where designer sunglasses should never go: into the water, outdoor music festivals, or pretty much anywhere flip cup will be played before noon.  The chance for loss or breakage is too high.  For these events, you need “cheap-o” sunglasses.  These are the glasses that live in the bottom of your Longchamp or your car’s armrest.  Their sole purpose is to take your abuse.  Next time you’re at your local drugstore, pick up a few pairs.  At $10 and under, you won’t feel guilty buying some fun, trendy pairs as well as a more versatile, traditional pair that will work in almost any situation.  

While the list above is a good starting point, you may have to make some adjustments for your lifestyle.  It all comes down to your personal style and priorities.  When in doubt, apply the “cost per wear” formula (cost of the item/number of anticipated wears = CPW).  Most importantly, don’t buy on an impulse and listen to your gut.  Deep down, you know whether or not splurging on a certain item is a good idea.  If you’re honest with yourself, you can’t go wrong.  Happy Shopping!


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